22 August 2020

How to Choose between Freestanding and Insert Fireplaces?

minimalist living room with fireplace, and black couch - Lopi Fireplaces Australia

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So you have decided to purchase a fireplace but can’t decide whether an inbuilt fireplace would be best or a freestanding stove? Whether it is a wood fireplace or a gas fireplace, both types are available in freestanding and inbuilt models. With technologically advanced options available, you can now have aesthetic and functionality all in-one.

If you are looking for a heating solution but aren’t sure which one is best suited for you, read on to find out more.

Inbuilt Fireplaces

The decision to go with an inbuilt fireplace can be both practical and aesthetic. Inbuilt fireplaces are split into two categories:

‘Inserts’ – For existing or newly built brick chimneys.
‘Fireplaces’ – For timber framed construction.

If you have an existing open brick chimney you can purchase a fireplace insert that will dramatically increase the efficiency of your existing open brick fireplace. Wood and gas fireboxes are available to provide a neat solution to enclose that drafting chimney.

Fireplaces can be simply installed into a timber frame construction in new or renovated homes. The flue termination can even be vented through an external wall rather than fluing vertical up in a traditional chimney fashion making for an easier installation.

For most homeowners, inbuilt fireplaces have an aesthetic appeal giving the feeling of warmth and calmness whilst looking sleeker than a freestanding fireplace. Inbuilt fireplaces traditionally use fans to force the convection heat through the room and home. All Lopi fireplaces have fans fitted as standard and even have the ability to be turned off completely.

Freestanding Fireplaces

Freestanding fireplaces are available in wood and gas models and offer installation flexibility in that they can be more easily placed in many places in the home.

There are no walls to build around a freestanding fireplace, therefore installation costs are significantly reduced.

Positioning of a freestanding fireplace is important to maximise warmth in areas of the home you require heating within. With a wood fireplace it is often better to be positioned in a more common or central part of the house if you are wishing to heat the home or multiple spaces for example.

Wood burning models require you to ‘flue’ or ‘vent’ the fireplace vertically through the roof. All Lopi freestanding gas models however can vent horizontally as well as vertically providing even more placement flexibility especially in a double storey home.

Homeowners have greater flexibility in determining where they will place their heating appliance, as freestanding fireplaces aren’t installed in a wall.

Freestanding wood and gas models benefit the home in terms of heating as the firebox is fully exposed. The large surface area of the fire allows heat to radiate out from all sides of the fireplace.

If you are still not sure whether to go with an inbuilt or freestanding fireplace, the experts at Lopi can help! So, don’t delay, just get in touch and the specialists at Lopi will be there to help.

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